This year we have split the tasks up as the sheer size of the event means that one person hasn't got a hope of doing everything. While there has been a team running the event in the past, we've tended to put everything through the exhibition manager. Now the trader booking and liaison falls to my Dad and I - 'cos I can work the computer and being retired, he has the time to ring people up to chase missing forms.
Consequently, a fair bit of my time recently has involved putting packs together for over 40 traders and dealing with the returned forms. That's 40 different stands, each selling different products - we don't like too much duplication in the show as it makes things less interesting for the visitor.
A more pleasant task was to create the handout that you'll find on lots of tables at exhibitions up and down the country. Chris Nevard generously allowed me to use one of the photos he took of Clarendon. Since this will be appearing at the show and is one of our club layouts it seemed a good idea bet. Besides, he takes a reasonable snapshot, not that you can tell from this picture as the screen grab from the PDF I sent to the printers isn't entirely happy. The real thing is much better. Technology huh ?
More details of the show will appear on the Leamington & Warwick MRS website.
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