With a little trepidation, I launched the Ark on the boating lake. I had picked a nice evening when no-one else was around.
I was so worried that I tied a crabbing reel thing to the handle on top so I could pull it back out if all went badly. This wasn't so clever as two corners of the pool (you can see one in the background of the photo) are home to very tall plants and the cord kept getting caught.
In the end, I gave up with it and took the risk. We completed a full circuit of the pool before I pulled the model out and inspected the interior.
After this, it went back on the water for some more sailing and photography. Another 10 minutes sailing and still dry.
So, it looks like this "quick" project is finally complete.
What did I learn?
- Projects always take longer than you expect.
- When converting a toy boat, take it apart fully and then glue the bits back together. Keep thinking, "How do I keep the water out?"
- A short hull with a stupidly big propeller can work. I don't give it too much speed and the model tootles along fine. Even at full thrust, it's not going particularly fast, but then it is only a little motor.
- Tubby hull, big rudder, excellent turning. Not quite so good at going straight.
After all the trials, it's great to see the Ark sailing. On a sunny evening, it looks great on the water, every bit as good as I hoped. I couldn't help smiling as I pottered around with it, and that's what the hobby is about.
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