I've not bought a Peco point for many, many years. So long ago that I honestly can't remember the last time. Since making my own track, or at least farming the task out to my Dad, it's just not something I do. However the 009 layout needs to be as Ready T Run as it can, so the track must come from Peco.
Inside the box I found my point, from the modern 009 range that has replaced the previous "Crazy Track" wrapped in a plastic bag. A sheet of instructions with DC layout wiring info was included. The box was compact, but strong enough to afford the contents some protection.
The point itself is very nicely made. Hand built track is usually rather less engineered than it's RTR counterpart. My point blades are made from a single length of rail. Peco have a pivot in theirs. These snap back and forth nicely too. Under the frog there is a wire that should be routed through a hole in the baseboard. I know this is an electrofrog point but don't understand what this is for. The electricity seems to find its way around perfectly happy. Am I missing something ?
Detail is good. I like the extended sleepers beside the tie-bar to support a lever. The fixings look tidy and sleepers are grained like real wood.
All-in-all, very nice. For a tenner I suppose the price isn't too bad either. It's not like these things are going to sell in the millions after all.
Watching with interest. I've always liked the "pizza" format. Not so sure about the Minitrains loco and rolling stock, however. RT Models appears to be developing a nice range of OO9 kits if something a bit less "plasticy" appeals.
The Minitrains stuff might be a bit plasticy out of the box but that's because it's cheap. A coat of paint will help enormously. However I do plan to add some Parkside stuff and an RT Models Lister does look very appealing.
About the wire. The switch blades get their juice from the stock rails. Over time grime will get in between and interrupt the electric flow.
By means of a polarity switch you can shove the juice down that wire to keep the switch blades live.
Otherwise, a bit of track cleaning now and then is in order.
(I wait to be shot down if I got it wrong)
Good to see you doing NG again, even if it is just a "Pizza".
The wire is to feed the frog/vee via a switch working with the point blades (i.e. on the motor or operating lever), standard practice with 009. While the blades will make sufficient contact now, at some point once laid, painted, and ballasted, and probably during an exhibition, the electrons will stop flowing!
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