Well, I thought I might as well finish the week by trying to recreate the painting from the front of the Ruston book. To do this I set up the Melbridge Box Company and posed the little 48DS locomotive with a handy wagon.
The cruel enlargement shows up the deficiencies of my "Ruston" script. I used the same pen as for the lining but the paint was runnier and required a lot more tidying up with a green loaded brush. A better, or at least more patient, painter would have re-done it using a fresh tinlet. If it's tried that I suspect the build up of base colour would have considerable after all the attempts...
Behind the loco, the wagon is a wooden bodies open fitted with coke rails (these allow a greater volume of coke to be loaded as it's lighter than the coal the wagon was designed for) which towers over the tiny engine. A private owner wagon, the paint has worn away and BR aren't going to bother to give it another coat, they just slapped some black patches where the new numbers need to go and let it eek it's last few years out on the network.
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