Thank you eBay. I don't remember how this happened, but in recent months I've been watching out for plastic kits by the firm Scalecraft.
Railway modellers will know them for producing a OO gauge Roadrailer kit sold by Peco back in the 1960s. Not a bad model and still commanding money second hand, no matter how many people rattle on on RMweb about there being a demand for a RTR version.
But, they also produced motorised kits which are far more exciting. Looking at these, I realised that I'd owned one as a kid. Specifically, I'd owned an E-type Jaguar. Looking at the photos, I remembered the slightly rubbery plastic, and for no real reason, the headlamps.
Now, after waiting for something at a price I can justify, I have another.
I've always loved the E-type. While the real thing will always be out of my price range, and I know all the horror stories about it's machnicals if I ever do come into money, it's the most beautiful car ever made. Even prettier than a Beetle.
The Scalecraft version appears to be a rally car with its numbers and roof-mounted spotlight. Did anyone ever rally these? It would seem to be like attaching a thorougbred horse to a dray.
Anyway, like it's prototype, the model is rear wheel drive with a motor that was probably slick but cheap for it's day. I need to fix the door-mounted switch before I give it a run but that looks like a little soldering a bodgery should do it.
OK, it's not the best model in the world, but it looks nice on the shelf and means something to me. At least that's my excuse for spending money on toys.