This is the editorial page of Model Railway Constructor magazine, Volume1, Number 1.
I particularly like the from the last paragraph:
It is felt that, although a great deal is to be said for the "dead true scale" basis of modelling, yet how easily is it overlooked that, just as oak trees grow from small acorns, so modelling grows from the humbler efforts.
Wise words often ignored nowadays.
Hi Phil,
no comments yet? I see from your remarks re-balsa and Airfix kits, that things haven't changed much in your life!! Only joking, I met you when you last came to Oz for the BRMA convention. I was the one with the dog, Missy. (smartest one there). Lovely first edition Constructor, do you know if digital copies of the Constructor and other Pommie mags, either out of print or still going, are available on disc or for download? I love the construction articles and drawings in the older mags. All the best for 2017 and maybe we'll see you back in Adelaide sometime(they've got the beer reserves back up to scratch, took a while after you left). Cheers Noel Elliott
BRM offer a digtial download as do all the other UK magazines. Older ones are a bit hit and miss. I think Mecanno mag can be found but after that, for either copyright reasons, or just lack of time from an enthusiast, I don't think there is much.
And I'd love to come back to Adelaide one day to have a proper look around the city. Don't think it was the beer that ran out, just the delicious BBQ's!
Friday 27 November '20 late-----hello gentlemen, Richard here, have stumbled
upon your wonderful blog, its springing to life by some linkage to my searching via
Engines and things, for some gossip on rebuilding the in-tank AC De!co petrol-pump,my Rover SD1 V8. An intriguing digital concatenation, I would think.
My reason for writing to you, partly to learn the etiquette involved in blog
correspondence, in my 9th. decade now, rel. new to computing: and partly to fly the
kite of sales. A tentative first enquiry.
I am an archivist. Family connections with the old Euston suburban electrics to
Watford. Keen on railways since the late '30s. I have gathered together a collection
of journals, mostly modelling, some real steam. I list them:--
Model Railway Constructor March 1934 to June 1987, none missing, some staples
nearing disappearing, some staples renewed. Every issue. Some years bound.
Model Railway News January 1925 to end in 1994(? March or April?). Some years
bound. Every issue. Better staples.
Practical Model Railways December 1993 to February 1989 Every issue.
Sca!e Railways Model Railways. Scale Model Railways 1980 onwd. Most.
Modelling Railways Illustrated. Most. Which was the year of first issue?
British Railway Modelling. Early volumes, from first issue to early 2000s
Railway Modeller 1949 first issue to early 2000s
1940s onwd.Trains Illustr. Modern Railways. Steam World. Railway World. Short
runs. Various qualities.
Full of hope the letter acceptable. Useful suggestions?? Thanks. Richard.
More gossip,,,,, the Rover SD1,one of the last, started life at Rolls Royce, Crewe.
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