For the last Warehouse Wednesday of the year, something a little different - a cement silo.
This can be found on Foxes lane, a short walk from the city centre. Google maps has an interesting aerial view of the fairly small site. Quite where the conveyor belt is lifting material from is a bit of a mystery, even looking down on the site.

Constructing something along these lines for a model shouldn't be too hard. There's a load of corrugated iron and a steel hopper. Add in some suitable lorries and this could be squeezed into a odd corner of a layout pretty easily but provide some real industrial atmosphere. Best of all, this is a permanent site, not one put up for building works and then spirited away later.
Try this link to see where the conveyor goes
Brian G
Perfect! It's where the material is dropped off from the lorry to be stored in the silo.
That's what I love about blogging - helpful answers to questions. Thanks very much.
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