Saturday, May 09, 2020


Get your best nutty slack out and fire up those steam engines - it's the #twittersteamrally today on Twitter and Facebook (I assume twitterandfacebooksteamrally was just too long).

To quote Pope Anthony Coulls, the mastermind behind all of this:

As the Coronavirus situation continues, so many of our regular steam and vintage events have been curtailed. My youngest daughter came up with the idea of a virtual steam rally, initially on Twitter, along the lines of the TwitterModelTrainShow last month. Not everyone is on Twitter, so here's a group we've created to allow more people to share their engines and vintage kit large and small on 9th May.
Photos, videos, live streaming, let's get it on here. Bring your own beer, chips and doughnuts and we shall enjoy our wonderful hobby hopefully across the world in our gardens, yards, fields and sheds! 
You can visit on Facebook or Twitter. Toot toot!

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